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ESTP and School


The ESTP student will often…

  • Strive to gain a clear understanding of the facts
  • Desire to understand the way things work
  • Prefer to use a hands-on approach
  • Experience difficulty paying attention to information that cannot be applied
  • Prefer relevant information that is conveyed in a straightforward and enthusiastic manner
  • Prefer to study in a group environment
  • Complete no additional reading aside from their assigned work


The ESTP often prefers to write on topics that are realistic and applicable and usually dislike writing about personal issues. They tend to use language that is direct and will often write down the details that they observe in their environment. ESTPs typically prefer writing shorter pieces and may experience difficulty when required to compose long documents. They often desire to work within a team writing environment and may struggle with lengthy independent writing. The may also experience difficulty during the stages that require exploring possibilities. The ESTP may put off getting started. They will likely benefit from starting their writing process early in order to ensure they meet the deadline.

In the writing process, the ESTP will often…

  • Use a previously successful writing format
  • Gather and use specific and detailed information
  • Spend a limited amount of time reflecting on their gathered information
  • Present information through visual charts, graphs, and quotation marks
  • Need to intentionally consider their reader
  • Benefit from proofreading their original draft and omitting unnecessary details


The ESTP tends to desire immediate gratification and is susceptible to being pulled in many directions. Since ESTPs live in the here and now, they may find it difficult to motivate themselves to complete tasks that provide a future payoff. As well, since they are pulled towards social and interactive activities, they may find it difficult to perform the independent tasks that are often required to complete a project or assignment. The ESTP may be able to decrease their procrastination by developing their ability to logically assess their actions and counteract their desire for instant gratification. They may also find it beneficial to work on tasks that reflect their natural interests. It may also be advantageous for the ESTP to develop their time management skills, integrate activities throughout their schedule, and designate time alone to focus on learning. They may also find it beneficial to structure their work so that they receive a reward after completing an uninteresting task or spending time on their own

ESTP and Career Exploration

An ESTP tends to find career satisfaction with careers that have the following characteristics:

  • Involves challenging projects that provide a tangible end result
  • Includes a variety of tasks and encourages risk taking
  • Provides an opportunity to interact with many different individuals
  • Requires a limited adherence to strict policies and rules
  • Provides freedom and autonomy to complete daily activities without following specific guidelines
  • Involves logically evaluating problems to create immediate solutions
  • Involves an exciting and friendly work environment
  • Promotes the inclusion of fun and humor into daily tasks

When exploring career options, an ESTP will often…

  • Set specific and tangible short-term goals
  • Commit a high level of energy to explore their options
  • Gather career related information from individuals within their field of interest
  • Benefit from creating a long-term career plan and consider future career possibilities
  • Logically evaluate career options and benefit from incorporating their values into the final decision
  • Benefit from setting a career decision deadline

Careers to Consider

The following is a list of suggested occupations that fit the qualities of an ESTP or are careers that other ESTPs have found to be satisfying. Use this list as a starting point for further investigation but do not limit your options to only this list.

Financial AdvisorManager: Small Business, Government
Investor/BrokerStock Broker
Insurance Sales PersonMarketing Professional
Real Estate BrokerPolice/Corrections Officer
InvestigatorFire Fighter
Physical TherapistRadiological Technicians
EngineerHealth Technologist
PromoterTour Agent
News ReporterSportscaster
CarpenterLand Developer
General ContractorAthlete/Coach
Craft WorkerActor/Performer
Service WorkersTransportation Worker
Factory Worker

During their job search, an ESTP will often…

  • Prepare job search documents that accurately convey their experience and abilities
  • Eagerly contact people and gather information about potential positions
  • Observe the environment of potential workplaces to gauge whether they fit with the organization
  • Need to be patient and commit to all stages of their job search
  • Benefit from considering positions that are not immediately obvious
  • Need to ensure they meet the deadlines

During an interview, an ESTP will often…

  • Display their enthusiasm for the position
  • Create a feeling of rapport with the interviewer
  • Convey their ability to work well in a team
  • Need to ensure their fun and relaxed disposition does not make them appear too casual or unreliable
  • Need to be cautious not to talk excessively

ESTP and Work

At work, the ESTP will often…

  • Be energetic, realistic, flexible, and action-orientated
  • Remember facts and specific details
  • Identify the necessary tasks to be completed and enthusiastically start projects
  • Excel in high pressure situations
  • Use a practical and realistic approach to provide quick solutions to problems
  • Take risks and easily adapt to change
  • Prefer flexibility to complete tasks and meet goals
  • Dislike routine and find repetition to be boring and mundane
  • Cultivate an enjoyable atmosphere and interject fun into their daily activities
  • Prefer working on a team with people who replicate their zest for life
  • Deviate from policies and procedures in order to complete a task
  • Understand the latest technology and equipment

At work, the ESTP should be aware that they may…

  • Use their own system for planning and may be perceived as unorganized
  • Benefit from improving their time management and organizational skills
  • Experience difficulty in meeting deadlines and fulfilling their commitments
  • Be easily distracted and need to ensure they complete all stages of a task
  • Need to realistically evaluate whether they are able to complete additional projects within the specified timeframe
  • Struggle with working alone for extended periods of time
  • Unintentionally create a feeling of instability due to their spontaneity
  • Only focus on the task at hand and rarely consider the implications of their actions
  • Focus on logic, appear impersonal, and neglect to consider the feelings of their coworkers
  • Accept information at face value and benefit from considering the deeper underlying meaning
  • Need to maintain adequate respect for positions of authority
  • Experience difficulty with structure and deadlines, become easily distracted by exciting activities, or neglect their commitments when they feel frustrated or unappreciated


On a team, the ESTP will often…

  • Provide an eager attitude that is focused on succeeding
  • Facilitate compromises between members in order to promote progress
  • Effectively deal with problematic situations and difficulties
  • Influence their group by creating a focus and establishing objectives
  • Openly consider other people’s suggestions

On a team, the ESTP should be aware that they may…

  • Hurry to prepare their contributions and subsequently provide incomplete information
  • Need to evaluate the impact their words have on others
  • Benefit from establishing a plan and meeting their goals
  • Frustrate group members when improvising and deviating from the established structure or creating unnecessary crisis to feed their desire for excitement
  • Become irritated with individuals that are impractical, easily distracted, have a negative attitude, or have no sense of humor


The ESTP often excels in leadership positions that involve managing a crisis. As a leader, the ESTP will often…

  • Identify the issue, request group members’ feedback, and make an optimal decision
  • Encourage and motivate members to act
  • Use an assertive approach that clearly conveys information
  • Encourage others to adopt their ideas or views
  • Determine the most effective way for people to work together
  • Need to be cautious that their ability to constantly change does not create a sense of insecurity

ESTP and Life


The ESTP will often…

  • Use a straightforward and direct method to convey their thoughts or confront others
  • Desire to hear realistic and applicable information with limited directions or planning
  • Effectively negotiate situations
  • Prefer doing an activity instead of participating in lengthy discussions
  • Require a limited amount of feedback or validation

The ESTP should be aware that they may need to…

  • Think through their thoughts before expressing them
  • Spend time listening to others
  • Be cautious not to come across as too blunt or insensitive
  • Intentionally provide positive feedback
  • Take the time to explain their activities to others
  • Acknowledge their need for interpersonal skill development

Decision Making

When it comes to decision making, the ESTP will often…

  • Logically examine the gathered facts and options
  • When necessary, make difficult or tough decisions
  • Need to consider the impact their decisions have on people
  • Benefit from considering additional options that are not immediately obvious
  • Limit their time spent reflecting on a decision


The ESTP tends to focus on having fun in their work and personal lives. As a result, they may need to ensure that their work is not neglected in their pursuit of enjoyment. The ESTP often likes to be the center of attention and tends to provide energy and enthusiasm at any function they attend. They are often popular people because of their inclination for creating fun and living in the moment. They also tend to appreciate the good things in life. The ESTP generally enjoys taking risks and participating in lively activities that involve a physical element. As a roommate, the ESTP is often able to reduce tension-filled environments with their easy going personalities. In their personal relationships, the post-secondary ESTP is reported to interject an element of entertainment into their dating lives.


An ESTP will often experience stress when…

  • Required to make a decision within a limited timeframe
  • Current enjoyment of life is interrupted by health concerns
  • Surrounded by excessive structure or strict deadlines
  • Efforts do not result in achieving their goals
  • Daily commitments limit their freedom
  • Required to establish long-term plans
  • Feeling out of control
  • Participation in fun activities leads to neglecting necessary work

When they are affected by stress, an ESTP will often…:

  • Feel tired and anxious
  • Withdraw from people or situations
  • Experience negative thoughts that do not align with reality
  • Question and doubt their knowledge and abilities
  • Become distracted and unable to make progress
  • With significant stress, gather information that supports their perceived fear that others do not like them

An ESTP can reduce stress by…

  • Participating in activities to realign their focus
  • Determining the worst possible situation and creating a plan to deal with this scenario
  • Being involved in activities that are new or involve taking risks
  • Refraining from paying attention to areas that result in distraction
  • Requesting assistance from others for completing their tasks, identifying possibilities, and processing difficult information