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ENFJ and School


The ENFJ student will often…

  • Prefer material to be planned and organized
  • Be interested in information that results in positive changes for people or communities
  • Enjoy opportunities for interaction and discussion
  • Formulate their thoughts by talking through their ideas
  • Require positive encouragement
  • Desire instructors to effectively and clearly communicate information
  • Prefer to study with others


The ENFJ tends to use figurative or conversational language to write on topics that impact their life or the lives of others. They may also be interested in topics that use their insight and creativity to explore areas for change or discuss their values. Overall, they prefer subjects with a personal nature and may struggle with writing on impersonal issues. ENFJs often have a good understanding of the time required to complete their writing and they likely enjoy taking the lead on a group project. Their writing inspirations often result from interacting with people. They are also generally able to overcome or prevent writers block by communicating with others throughout their writing. However, they may need to be cautious that they do not spend too much time talking through their ideas and avoid spending time on their own to do their writing.

In the writing process, the ENFJ will often…

  • Generate numerous writing ideas
  • Persuasively present their thoughts
  • Limit the amount of time spent reflecting
  • Clearly present complex information
  • Need to monitor the amount that they use “I”
  • Benefit from revising work to be more objective and incorporate a greater use of logic


ENFJs are often motivated to complete their work on time and may not experience significant procrastination. They tend to limit their procrastination to a specific situation that likely involves a relationship component. These situations may result from a fear of rejection, concern over meeting someone’s expectations, or a conflict with a friend. Procrastination may also result from disagreeing with an instructor or a discriminatory and unwelcoming classroom environment. The most effective way for ENFJs to overcome procrastination is to address the underlying relational issue. They may find it helpful to gain insight into the situation by discussing their concerns and feelings with an outside source.

ENFJ and Career Exploration

An ENFJ tends to find career satisfaction with careers that have the following characteristics:

  • Requires multi-tasking, organizing, and making decisions
  • Involves working with others and developing relationships with a variety of people
  • Requires creative problem solving that benefits others
  • Promotes individual responsibility and freedom to complete interesting tasks
  • Provides specific and clear expectations
  • Recognizes and appreciates individual contributions
  • Promotes personal and professional development
  • Fosters a warm, supportive, and appreciative environment with minimal conflict

When exploring career options, an ENFJ will often…

  • Set optimistic, long-term goals with corresponding action plans
  • Gather career information through discussions with others
  • Need to ensure they have gathered adequate career related details
  • Benefit from realistically evaluating what is involved in a career
  • Make a decision quickly and should ensure they consider all information
  • Base their decisions on what they value and should be cautious not to be overly influenced by others

Careers to Consider

The following is a list of suggested occupations that fit the qualities of an ENFJ or are careers that other ENFJs have found to be satisfying. Use this list as a starting point for further investigation but do not limit your options to only this list.

Dental HygienistPhysician: Family, General Practice
PsychologistCareer Counselor
Personal CounselorOutplacement Counselor
Consultant: GeneralCounselor: General
Wholistic Health AdvisorClergy/Minister
Housing DirectorSocial Worker
Program DesignerNon-Profit Director
Sales ManagerSales Trainer
Executive: Small BusinessHuman Resource Trainer
Public Relations ManagerRecreation Director
Communication DirectorDesigner
Writer/JournalistAdvertising Sales Executive
PoliticianDean of Students
Teacher: Art/Drama/EnglishCollege Prof. Humanities
Child Care WorkerTV Producer
FacilitatorHome Economist
ArtistMusician & Composer

During their job search, an ENFJ will often…

  • Organize and follow a comprehensive job search plan
  • Need to ensure they have considered all the details
  • Create new job possibilities and opportunities
  • Network with a large group of individuals
  • Commit the same time and energy into their search as working a job
  • Need to be cautious not to personalize rejection or criticism
  • Make quick decisions and benefit from considering all their options
  • Base decisions on their feelings and should logically and realistically consider their options

During an interview, an ENFJ will often…

  • Create a feeling of rapport with the interviewers
  • Confidently and enthusiastically discuss their skills and experience
  • Need to ensure they refrain from talking too much
  • Benefit from being able to discuss how their people skills can financially benefit the company
  • Discuss their future potential for the company and should include their current contributions to the organization

ENFJ and Work

At work, the ENFJ will often…

  • Be decisive, organized, motivated, productive, and idealistic
  • Reliably complete all stages of a project by the deadline
  • Strongly commit to work that reflects their values and interests
  • Creatively think of new ideas and possibilities
  • Generate interest in their ideas
  • Desire freedom and autonomy to complete tasks
  • Remain loyal to an organization and it’s people
  • Focus on identifying and responding to the needs of others
  • Believe people work together most effectively when following procedures
  • Require an environment that supports social interaction among coworkers
  • Strive to create a positive, harmonious, and supportive work environment
  • Require positive feedback and encouragement

At work, the ENFJ should be aware that they may…

  • Struggle with incorporating details and creating a realistic project plan
  • Avoid conflict and experience difficulty working within a competitive environment
  • Resist inefficient bureaucratic policies and procedures
  • Be hesitant to request help from others and benefit from delegating tasks
  • Need to be cautious that their focus on others does not result in neglecting their own tasks
  • Struggle with completing tasks that contradict their values
  • Need to evaluate their ability to complete a task before accepting the project
  • Experience difficulty accepting criticism
  • Need to realistically view people aside from how they desire them to be
  • Desire closure and may make hasty decisions
  • When feeling unappreciated, become discouraged, excessively pursue harmony, and incorrectly perceive criticism from others


On a team, the ENFJ will often…

  • Provide encouragement and support
  • Desire to create a solid and resilient team
  • Encourage harmony among team members
  • Be sensitive to difficulties experienced by the group
  • Contribute their enthusiastic attitude and organizational abilities
  • Maintain an energetic and fun attitude

On a team, the ENFJ should be aware that they may…

  • Feel frustrated with others who are unwilling to work together, unproductive, or unorganized
  • Irritate team members when they only focus on interpersonal issues and naively supporting causes or people
  • Become irritated with individuals that are tardy, inconsiderate, or focus only a task and neglect people
  • Need to allow people to make their own choices and learn from their mistakes


The ENFJ tends to enjoy being in a leadership position. As a leader, the ENFJ will often…

  • Enthusiastically present their ideas and gain support
  • Encourage input and consider all ideas
  • Assist others in planning and working together to achieve their goals
  • Create consensus between opposing viewpoints
  • Identify the skills and abilities that each member can contribute
  • Clearly communicate the necessary steps to complete tasks
  • Need to intentionally enforce rules and boundaries with others

ENFJ and Life


The ENFJ will often…

  • Easily communicate with others and develop rapport
  • Clearly explain difficult concepts
  • Desire to hear positive feedback, personal values, and possible ideas for helping people
  • Openly discuss their values and theoretical ideas
  • Excel at giving public presentations that emotionally connects with their audience
  • Effectively facilitate group discussions

The ENFJ should be aware that they may need to…

  • Accept criticism without personalizing it
  • Use a more logical or sequential process for presenting information
  • Use more practical or applicable wording when expressing their ideas
  • Learn to effectively address conflict situations

Decision Making

When it comes to decision making, the ENFJ will often…

  • Identify various options and possibilities
  • Need to ensure they spend adequate time gathering information
  • Consider their personal values and the implications on people
  • Benefit from including an objective and logical assessment of their options
  • Use decision making to create closure and facilitate movement to the next idea or project


The ENFJ focuses on helping and assisting others but should be cautious not to neglect their own needs. They often fill up their days with activities and opportunities to interact with others. Some ENFJ may struggle with spending time on their own because they find that their reflections can lead to feelings of depression. As a post-secondary student, the ENFJ may be found in a leadership position that involves helping people. They tend to organize social activities and incorporate the desires and interests of others. The ENFJ student also reports that they find it easy to date multiple times per week.


An ENFJ will often experience stress when…

  • Feeling that their values are challenged or violated
  • Encountering situations where they feel demeaned, put down, or misinterpreted
  • Working with difficult and uncooperative people
  • Focusing solely on others and neglecting their own needs
  • Feeling responsible for causing a problem or conflict
  • Confronted with unexpected changes
  • Receiving excessive criticism
  • Required to complete a task within a limited timeline

When they are affected by stress, an ENFJ will often…

  • Feel negative or cynical and become inflexible
  • Doubt their abilities or intelligence
  • Become unfriendly, inconsiderate, or aggressive towards others or themselves
  • Minimize their contact with family or friends
  • Rely solely on logic to form critical and judgmental opinions of others or themselves
  • With significant stress, focus on the faults of others and become excessively critical

An ENFJ can reduce stress by…

  • Addressing their personal needs
  • Spending time resting and reflecting
  • Participating in activities and interacting with friends
  • Delegating some of their tasks
  • Refocusing on their spiritual values
  • Gaining insight into a situation by discussing their thoughts with others